
Spike Vintage Australian Businesses


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Why choose Spike Vintage?

Much like most of the good things in life, Spike Vintage started as a simple ‘lightbulb moment' — being able to bring people the nostalgia they search for (and somehow make that into a job!) In an oversaturated marketplace, we aim to set ourselves apart from the other players by focusing on quality, on a constant hunt for those once-in-a-lifetime pieces and ensuring that when they are found — they end up in the hands of the right people, quickly. We buy stuff we think is cool. We sell it to cool people. We have cool jobs and are grateful af. If you want to know more, have some items you would like us to sell, or just wanna hurl abuse - we can be contacted at: W: I: @spikevintage E: Shop sustainably, shop Spike.

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