
Soul Balance by Rina Australian Businesses


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Burleigh Waters

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Burleigh Waters

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Why choose Soul Balance by Rina?

Rina works with women who want to make lasting change by releasing stored stress that is being held in the physical body. This stress can manifest in many ways, aches and pains, anxiety, depression, illness to name a few. Thus leaving the body in a state of dis-ease. Muscle testing is used to gauge where stress is being held in the body. The using the modalities Kinesiology, Reiki, Ho'oponopono and newly added Western Shamanic Healing, Rina helps bring your body back into balance. Each modality is different and work on different levels, but they work really well together. With all healing modalities there is a level of self responsibility of the client. As a practitioner Rina can not ‘fix' you. However she can help bring your mind, body and soul back into balance and then the real healing can begin. So if you are ready to let go of the stuff and move forward, Rina would love to support you.

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