Granny Xiang Chinese Traditional Smoked Pork Australian Businesses
Why choose Granny Xiang Chinese Traditional Smoked Pork?
Granny Xiang Chinese Traditional Cured/Smoked Pork piously follows the traditional smoking and curing procedures of the ancient Hunan province of China.
All products are 100% handmade to ensure each piece is infused with an authentic mouth-watering smoky aroma of Hunan cured meats. The unique texture and stunning flavour will definitely send you back for more!
English is the second language, Chinese speaking.
cash is 100% accepted.
腊肉是中国民间喜爱的传统食品之一,也是人们相互馈赠的佳品。相传早在孔子时期,学生与他初见面时,会先奉赠礼物表示敬意,成束的干咸猪肉便是聘礼,这种干肉美曰“束修「同:束脩shù xiū」。”孔子的学费即是“束修数条”,后来就衍生为拜师费的意思,可理解为学费。
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