
Chiro Health Club Australian Businesses


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Why choose Chiro Health Club?

Helping you live life to the full potential. Dr Ben Levi has been opertating a unique chiropractic clinic for over 25 years. Offering highly specialised treatments, he is a well respected chiropractor, nutritionist and wellness educator, who believes in an holistic approach to health care without the use of drugs or surgery. Ben creates programs that are goal orientated and educates and empowers his clients to make healthy choices that will benefit them in the short and long term. Also specialising in nutrition, movement and mobility fitness programs, Ben can help people of all ages and stages in their journey. Ben has been in practice for 25 years and has a passion to help people to “Be Better”. He believes everybody deserves the opportunity for great care and to find out more about themselves. He offers his new clients a low, no obligation entry fee of $90. Dr Ben Levi comes from two generations of medical professionals. His father and grandfather were general practitioners and his mother a physiotherapist. They have been caring for others on the Gold Coast since 1933. So for Ben, caring for people's health has been and is still a very important part of his life. Call now to see how Dr Ben Levi can help you and your wellness goals today! Locations in Southport and in South Brisbane, call 0411 224213 to make an appointment or visit

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